Here are several ways you can support Fawcett Hall!

Here are several ways you can support Fawcett Hall from books
to attending or donating to events, pavers to containers – we welcome donations.


1/ Buy a book – Fawcett Hall and its people by Di Newman

To do this, email our secretary and order by email  –


2./ Attend an event or donate to a Fawcett Hall event.


3./ Purchase a named brick ( a paver ) to be part of the path around Fawcett Hall – Email Sam for more details –


4. Fawcett Mechanics Institute Reserve Committee of Management, known as Fawcett Hall, is officially approved as a donation partner for Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme (CDS Vic)


So you can support us in two ways
Drop your containers ( the ones that have a refund collection code on the back of them ) to Fawcett Hall
Most aluminum, glass, plastic, and liquid paperboard (carton) drink containers between 150mL and 3 litres are eligible. You can keep the lids on.
if you drop recyclables off at Nanny Jan’s Emporium you can quote our ID number ( just message us ) and the money is credited to our account.
This money goes to our hall to ensure it’s maintained for community use.